Shamanic Quantum Energy Healing
Shamanic energy quantum healing practices integrate the wisdom teachings from indigenous peoples across the Earth with quantum based cutting edge sciece. Physical illness is understood as an expression of discord in our energetic (causal) body. Depending on an individual’s needs, treatments may include illumination, energy clearing, soul retrieval and past life regressions.
Life and Wellness Coaching
Life coaching has as a base philosophy the concept that no one knows us better than we know ourselves and as such no one has better answers to our life challenges than us. As a life coach I will work with you to help you identify areas of your life that you wish to improve on and help guide you to finding your best approach to reaching those life goals.
For those seeking improved health and wellbeing, I will help you create a life style program that integrates modern medical science with the wisdom of ancient Indian medicine called Ayurveda.
Ayurveda which in Sanskrit means “Science of Life” constitutes a comprehensive approach to physical, mental and spiritual health based on ancient Indian teachings. Based on the client’s unique physical constitution (Doshas) and their needs at the time of consultation we will develop a holistic approach to restoring balance and health. This offering is not a substitution for consultation with an Ayurvedic physician and is not meant to replace the role of the client’s allopathic (western medicine) physician.