Personal Wellness Coaching
What is the difference between coaching from a Personal coach and therapy from a psychologist or psychiatrist? This is a question that frequently is posed to me. A therapist often focuses on helping individuals who are dealing with psychological or personal issues that are creating dysfunction in life. The intention may be to help someone who describes their quality of life as being less than 0 (when described on scale from -5 to +5) while a life coach works with the person to works to help them optimize one or more areas of their life and achieve a state of wellbeing that would be above 0 anb in some areas approaching a +4 or +5 in terms of wellbeing. Coaching has as its core philosophy the concept that no one knows us better than ourselves so we naturally have all the answers that we need to flourish within us. The personal coach helps the individual to find these internal truths and convert them to life actions that eventually lead to a healthier and happier lifestyle. Let’s work together and find out how you can make you the best version of yourself and begin to live that life that you have always known was possible.