Meditation is a practice that spans the globe across cultures and traditions. In its most basic form it can be described as a state of ‘restful awareness’. Our brains generate thousands of thoughts in a 24 hours period (with 85% of them being repeated from day to day). Although we may think that are able to multitask and form multiple thoughts simultaneously, the truth of the matter is that we can only generate one thought at a time and in between thoughts there is a very brief period of mental inactivity. In meditation we learn to still the mind and experience the peace and transcendence that exists in those moments between thoughts that is often referred to as ‘the gap’. There are a number of approaches that can be used to achieve the state of mental calmness that meditation provides. I will be teaching you a form of mantra (repetition of a sound in order to still the mind) meditation known as primordial sound meditation. Regular meditation practice not only helps to calm the mind and bring increased mental focus, but in addition a regular meditation practice can be associated with better sleep, improved emotional state, reduction in inflammation as well a multitude of benefits to our immune system and cardiovascular system among and a host of other physical and mental benefits.